Volunteer Information
There are opportunities to fit every schedule, and every little bit of help means the world to our school, students, teachers, and staff. Please consider giving us your time and talents to fill one of these roles. Chairing or serving on a committee is also a great way to meet other parents and become more involved in the school! We can't do it without all of our amazing volunteers!
If you'd like to take a more active role in serving our students and teachers, please fill out the Volunteer form. If you have any questions, please reach out to our VP of Volunteers to discuss opportunities to volunteer (see Executive Board list page).
Such examples include...
Grandparent's Breakfast
Roarin' Run
Pastries with Pals
Book Fair
Field Day
... and many more!
Please note, to volunteer for PTA committees or events, you must be a member of the school PTA
Signing In
When visiting Sycamore Elementary to volunteer for PTA Events, please report directly to the front office and sign in as a Volunteer to obtain a visitor's badge that must be worn until returning to the office to sign out.